Equipment For Home Workouts

Kim Ziefel

Hi everyone, my name is Kim from LYFE At Home. Today, I want to go over some general pieces of equipment that we use in our daily workouts. You can find these items at any general fitness store or online.

First, let's start with the simple dumbbell. Whether you prefer heavy or light weights, it's all about what feels right for you. As you progress and get stronger, you can adjust the weights accordingly.

Next, we have a medicine ball. We use these on resistance or strength days as well as cardio days. If you don't want to invest in a medicine ball, I highly recommend using a weighted pillow from your household. Just make sure it's not one of the decorative ones that might upset your spouse if you start slamming it against the floor!

Moving along, we have resistance bands. These are great for both strength and cardio days. If you don't have a resistance band, you can use a twisted-up t-shirt or a towel. While the resistance won't be exactly the same, you can still get a fantastic workout.

We also use mini bands, which are full circles of resistance material. Unfortunately, there aren't many household items that can replicate this, so during our workouts, we'll show you how to modify exercises if you don't have one.

Abby, our yoga instructor, recommends having a yoga mat. If you don't have one, a towel or blanket will work just fine to provide some extra comfort and cushion during your workouts. We use these mats for cardio and strength days too, as they help protect your knees during ground exercises.

Last but not least, we have yoga blocks. These are excellent for making adjustments in flexibility and range of motion during yoga. Abby is fantastic at accommodating all levels of yoga practice, so if you're not able to do everything right away, she'll show you how to modify with a block.

You can find all of this equipment at general fitness stores or online. If you have any questions about brands, stores, or weights, feel free to reach out to us via email, our website, or Instagram. We're excited to chat with you and hopefully work out with you soon!


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